Crédit photo : Samson Marzbani
C I D UNESCO Partner
The United Nation of Dance
General Assembly - 21 Décembre 2015
Project : Universal Declaration of the United Nations of Dance
I support the actions carried out previously by the CID which fully correspond to the spirit of UNESCO: dance research conference, the Dance Day ... I just would like to make some proposals to the attention of members, which, I think can support the work of CID.
I’ll take for that two articles of the Universal Declaration of the United Nations Human Rights made Dec. 10, 1948 in Paris, itself inspired by the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen made in Paris in 1789.
Article 1 :
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 3 :
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
This statement sets out the basis of fundamental human rights and "is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world". It considers that "disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind ... and that it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations. "(Preamble to the Declaration)
UNESCO adheres to This statement creating the Universal Declaration of UNESCO on Cultural Diversity (Paris November 2 - 2001) as a " common heritage of humanity…and makes its defense an ethical imperative, inseparable from respect of the dignity of the human person. "Koïchiro Matsuura, Director General.
In this direction, the International Dance Council (CID - UNESCO) "considers all forms of dance on an equal level ... recognizing its universal character as an artistic expression, as an educational medium, as a research subject ... Reflecting the research of the United Nations and UNESCO, it does not discriminate, without prejudice to race, sex, religion, political belief or social status. » extract from the presentation of C I D.
After the last Paris events on November 13th, that shows a return to barbarism denounced as in the first declaration of Human Rights, my question is : as a dancer, a member of the CID and president of a section what can I do to promote and embody these fundamental rights erected for the happiness of all?
The answer is simple: Dancing, Dancing, Dancing!
Dancing Freedom, Dancing Equality, Dancing Brotherhood and Peace for all Beings.
Dancing with this intention is to give it flesh and life.
Because dance is life itself, it is a universal language that is understood by all, beyond words. As it expresses what is higher in mankind : the good, the beautiful and the true, it fulfills its mission of Universal Art for the service of all.
Dance is essentially an art of freedom, as if it allows freedom of movement of the body it allows freedom of Being. Isadora Duncan saw such "dance reveals beings to themselves and frees them from their chains."
With this thought and the philosophy of CID and UNESCO, I suggest to the members of the CID to gather in all the diversity of dances to express Freedom, Equality, Fraternity and Peace for Human Beings.
To this issue, I propose to create the General State of Dance at the 48ème World Congress of Dance that we organize with section Avignon in November 2016. It is possible to work together with volunteer people, in the form of panel, in a Universal Declaration of the United Nations of Dance focusing as for example :
- All Human Beings have the right to dance freely.
- Each dance is unique and must be respected.
- Respect for different forms of dance and culture...
We will reflect together on various actions to work through dance, as members of the CID - UNESCO in favor of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Peace among peoples.
Such as : (Example)
1- To dedicate a minute of dancing per day for freedom, equality, fraternity and peace in the world and for all human beings. This moment can be experienced at any time of the day, putting the intention and dancing. "Lost is the day we have not danced once." Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathustra).
2 - To dedicate a day on this theme like Dance Day : for exemple 10th of December or 2 of November: day of the official declarations of human rights ...
2 - To Create and support events, shows, meetings, educational projects bearer of this message to Humanity.
Paris December 21, 2015
Fabienne Courmont
President of Avignon section CID
International Choreographer-dancer
Creator of the Dance of Being©, in the lineage of Isadora Duncan
Avignon Section CID
International Dance Council CID Conseil International de la Danse
UNESCO 1 rue Miollis FR-75732 Paris, France tel. +33 1 4568 4953
Conception/agencement : Natacha Liège CID Avignon - © photo Samson Marzbani